Who We Serve - Our Clients

Maze-Masters offers its services to people whose lives have been sidetracked due to injury or illness. We reach out and offer help to people who feel like they have lost control of their lives. Maybe they have lost their independence and self-respect, or have lost their bearings, or are just plain stuck.

Human beings are more than just our bodies. We all think and remember. We have feelings, beliefs, and a spirit. We try to understand the meaning of things. We have intentions and expectations. We all want to be included and be useful. Having a sense of purpose, self-respect, and playing our role in our family or community are important parts of life.

Maze-Masters wants to work with people who are truly fed up with feeling bad and are ready for something different. The Maze-Masters community is only open to people who are willing to move beyond complaining and do the work assigned to them as part of the program.